Friday, March 21, 2008

vocal folds

hello everyone
my name is gelsey bell and i am a singer-songwriter with recurring experimental tendencies. i am also working towards a PhD at nyu in performance studies exploring voice, song (words & music), embodiment, technology, and the interweavings of art and everyday life. i often find myself philosophically grounded (or should i say ungrounded?) and my work as a singer has gravitated me towards discourses on the body as a way to explore the linguistic embodiment which occurs in the event of singing - or heightened utterance for a more generic term. just another angle of light staring into the prism of embodied knowledge. feel free to check out which is set up for the indie musician side of my life. my latest songs, which are less iTunes friendly, are on i also work with urisov - postmodern dance collective run by biba bell, who is also coming to the workshop & also happens to be my sister (might as well get that question out of the way) - and thingNY - experimental music ensemble.

i have been looking through the reading and i hesitate, in my youthful bashfulness, to be the first one to get down & dirty about them on the blog, BUT i will say that i have often conceived of the voice as a hinge between the mind & body (a debate & divide that ping pongs me from intentional boredom to fierce focus & back again)... and i have been starting to wonder in what ways the philosophical work of the fold & the hinge differ and to what extent the fold may be a more useful concept… anyway, that’s where i’m coming from & i look forward to meeting you all in person.

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