My name is Gordon Coonfield. I am an Assistant Professor of Communication at Villanova University, which is located in a suburb just outside of Philadelphia, PA. I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of visual communication.cultural studies.media studies.
I got into Deleuze & Guattari in graduate school, and I continue to enjoy working out what their philosophy has to do with my field.my thinking.my life. I was introduced to performance studies after coming to Villanova. I have no pretensions about every creating and performing myself. But I've come to appreciate the ways performance studies has developed and explored the concept of performance, and how this development might refigure the way we think about media.mediation and audiences.users of communication media.
I guess you could say I've been experimenting with both performance and media in the laboratory of deleuze.guattari's concepts. And I see this workshop as an opportunity to continue experimenting - as a chance to make some new connections and encounter something I haven't.
Quote of the day: "It's alive!"
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