Monday, January 14, 2008

The readings!

Hi everyone,
now the work begins! Here is the list of readings. What we would love is for you to do the readings and to begin to post on the concepts (this can be questions, of linkages of concepts, or anything you like). We will scan the readings in the next few weeks and post them here for those of you who don't have the books. If any of you need the texts in French, we can send them - we already have most of those scanned. Enjoy!

Gilles Deleuze. The Fold. chapter 7 (La perception dans les plis)
Gilles Deleuze. Spinoza: Practical Philosophy. chapter 6 (Spinoza and Us)
Bernard Cache. Earth Moves. chapters 1-2 (Territorial Image, Architectural Image)
Henri Bergson. Creative Evolution. chapter 4 (mechanisme cinematographique de la pensee, extracts pp. 298-335 in the French)
Jose Gil. The Dancer's Body (from A Shock to Thought, Massumi ed)
Jose Gil. The Paradoxical Body (trans. in TDR by Andre Lepecki)

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